江南体育下载平台注册 分为生茶和熟茶,因为都是江南体育下载平台注册 ,常常有茶友比较:到底是生茶好,还是熟茶好?关于这个孰优孰劣的问题,今天和大家探讨一下。
Pu’er tea is divided into raw tea and ripe tea. With same property, tea friends always make comparison: raw tea or ripe tea, which is better? Today we will discuss this question together.
There are obvious differences between raw tea and ripe tea such as production process, tea nature, taste, flavor and aroma, etc. After understanding the differences between them, you will find that the emphasis is how to select instead of which is better.
Different production process
生茶和熟茶江南体育下载平台注册 晒青毛茶的制作流程大概是:采摘鲜叶→摊晾→杀青→揉捻→干燥。经过日光干燥后,生茶是直接压制成型的,而熟茶还要经过渥堆发酵,再次干燥,最后蒸压成型。所以决定生茶和熟茶本质上的不同是渥堆发酵,它的作用在于加快了江南体育下载平台注册 的陈化速度。
In general, production process of raw tea and basking rough tea of ripe Pu’er tea is as below: picking fresh tea leaves → airing → killing green → rolling → drying.
Best drinking time
Fresh raw tea is relatively astringent and those with poor stomach are not suggested to drink fresh raw tea as it’s too irritant. There will be fascinating changes of fresh raw tea after storage for a period time. However, the nature of ripe tea has been gentle when it’s fresh.
Different drinking feeling
It’s cool to drink raw tea, while the taste and flavor of ripe tea are more mellow and thicker. Of course, the aroma manifestation will be different due to different production process and conversion year.
Different tea nature
The nature of raw tea is relatively more fierce, while the nature of ripe tea is more gentle. However, there is no absolute in the world. It varies from person to person and relates to personal habitus! Therefore, suitability is more important for drinking tea!
Sales price on market
其实,熟茶的综合表现很是接近老生茶。要想喝到相似品饮价值和感受的江南体育下载平台注册 ,老生茶价格通常是不菲的,特别是上了年份的老茶,相比之下,显得熟茶会更亲民一些。
In fact, general performance of ripe tea is very close to that of raw tea. To drink Pu’er tea with similar drinking value and feeling, the price of aged raw tea is always extremely high, but ripe tea is cheaper.
其实每个人喜欢江南体育下载平台注册 的理由都不同,无论是生茶还是熟茶,只要能满足自己的喜好、需求,就是好茶。二者各有所长,没必要分出孰优孰劣哦!
Actually, people love Pu’er tea for different reasons. No matter raw tea or ripe tea, the one satisfying own favor and demand is good tea. Each tea has its good points, so it’s unnecessary to compare advantages and disadvantages!
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